Babbacombe Railway - Sprucestudios

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Babbacombe Railway

Babbacombe Junction Railway
Babbacombe Junction is a vintage ”O” gauge model railway layout. It has been here at the Babbacombe Model Village since 2000, but the history of some of the engines, rolling stock and the majority of the buildings go back to the 1930’s. Mr C.W.Meredith of West Ferry, Dundee had these buildings & rolling stock on his line. The Craigard Railway ran in his attic. Most of the buildings were built for him by The Very Reverend Edward Beal, who was well known for his model buildings and books.
After Mr Meredith’s death, the entire Craigard layout was acquired by Matthew Kerr Sr. He and his son, also named Matthew kept all of the original layout for about 25 years. It was then sold onto myself, Mel Sherwood, and I have tried to recreate the original buildings here at Babbacombe Junction, as they were on Mr Meredith’s layout. Over the years I have added many items, some new and some I have had for many years. I have always kept the high standards of the Craigard Railway that was set in the 1930’s by Mr. Meredith.
Today I operate 3 oval tracks and 1 siding line and run various carriages and vintage locomotives all day. Goods trains run too.
What I have tried to achieve at Babbacombe Junction, I hope is fitting tribute to the late Mr Matthew Kerr Jr. And Mr Meredith’s original vision.
Richard and Heather Productions
Spruce Close, Exeter, Devon, EX4 9JU

+44 (0)1392 467774
+44(0)7766338670 mobile
Travel and Transport Films
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