Cass Scenic Railroad - Sprucestudios

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Cass Scenic Railroad

Cass Scenic Railroad
The Cass Scenic Railroad in West Virginia is a working, living museum for the logging railroads, the state once having over 3000 miles of logging lines. Sadly they are all gone now, except for this 11 mile (18kms) line between Cass and the mountain summit of Bald Knob, the second highest mountain in West Virginia (4,842 feet). The views on a clear day are of the Virginia border, some 20 miles away, although this logging line never carried passengers. Its sole purpose was to bring the logs off the mountain to the mill at Cass, as quickly and as cheaply as possible.
Disc One: Introduction to the town of Cass, plus a detailed look at the Shay locomotives. A Workshop tour is also included, featuring both Shay #5 and the Western Maryland Shay #6. The main feature of this film is the trip to the summit. We have captured various camera angles, including cab rides, front and rear shots, run by's and old still photographs. A stop at Whittaker allows us a detailed look at a loggers camp and shows Shay #11 being oiled round. Then we continue up the mountain, stopping at Oats Run for water and then on to the summit at Bald Knob. Total Running Time 56 minutes.
Disc Two: We head up to Bald Knob again but with the film increased to 4 times normal speed. The front view of the journey is captured on the first section of the lower switchback. This is followed by a reverse view up to the upper switchback before a return to the front view for the remaining climb to the summit. Again cab shots are included. On the return trip enjoy some traditional Blue Grass music. Bonus footage includes Shay #4 hauling the Whittaker train, plus shunting in the yard at Cass and deleted scenes showing Shay #2 climbing the bank to the second switchback.

Total running Time 59 minutes.
Richard and Heather Productions
Spruce Close, Exeter, Devon, EX4 9JU

+44 (0)1392 467774
+44(0)7766338670 mobile
Travel and Transport Films
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