Tasmanian Transport Museum
Tasmanian Transport Museum
The Museum is the home of the State’s largest collection of transport exhibits and related items. It provides a fascinating insight on life in Tasmania from the earliest days of mechanised transport and fire services. The museum is the project of the Tasmanian Transport Museum Society whose members have worked in a voluntary capacity for its establishment. In 1960 a Hobart tramcar was donated by the Metropolitan Transport Trust for presentation. As a result the Society was formed in 1962 with the aim of preserving representative items of transport which were disappearing from the daily scene. The first ten years saw the preservation of many items either by purchase or donation. It was not until 1972 that the present site was leased from the Glenorchy City Council. After the laying of rail track the first items were moved to the site in 1976. The museum was officially opened on 3rd December 1983. Construction of a permanent building commenced in 1976 (Electric Traction Building) followed by the Railway Station (1980), Steam Technology Building (1983), Carriage Shed (1984), Round House (1986), the Fire Services Museum (2004) and finally the Road Transport Display Hall in 2013.
Total Running Time 56 minutes.